As a retail real estate manager, we have an important role to play as a partner to local communities. Our recent collaboration with students from the Berlin University of Applied Sciences (BHT) in the field of landscaping and green space management to redevelop the Elsterwerdaer Platz is a brilliant example of how we actively form and foster relationships with local stakeholders to focus on the social aspect of ESG and create value for the community.
In turn, the cooperation offers students the opportunity to put theoretical knowledge into practice, develop creative solutions and make a contribution to the multifunctional and climate-adapted development of urban landscapes.
Since October last year, we have been working together with the university and local stakeholders to transform the currently unused and publicly dedicated space behind the Berlin Biesdorf Center, which we manage, into a lively and inclusive space for people of all ages. Our focus is on creating a space with a high quality that has a positive impact on the daily lives of people in the area.
The integration of sustainable elements such as green technologies, regenerative planting and environmentally friendly materials will help bind pollutants and increase biodiversity. In addition to creating shade, lighting and seating, the redevelopment will include adventure zones such as play equipment and fitness areas. The integration of environmental education programs in the form of educational panels to inform about the local “Beezdorf” project will also serve to raise awareness of bees and biodiversity.
We look forward to the next steps in this project!