Greenman OPEN, Greenman OPEN’s retail centre in Biesdorf has been rated as the best performing shopping centre in Berlin.
Greenman OPEN, one of the largest food retail-focused investment funds in Germany with over €1bn worth of assets, owns the best performing shopping centre in Berlin. On top of that the Biesdorf Centre in Berlin-Biesdorf ranked amongst the top 5 shopping centres in the whole of Germany.
The newly published Shopping Centre Performance Report (SCPR) 2022 shows that the Biesdorf Retail Centre improved by more than 1.8 points in the 10 year comparison to 2012 and has therefore the best development in this timeframe.
James McEvoy, Head of Acquisition at Greenman says,: “We are thrilled that our tenants in Biesdorf voted our centre into the top 5 retail centres in Germany and that our commitment to ensuring our retail centres are places that both tenants and consumers want to be is bearing fruit. The Biesdorf-Center is the best shopping centre in the whole of Berlin! We would like to thank our tenants and employees for this great achievement, and we commit to continue to work hard on the future and sustainability of the Greenman OPEN properties.”
The SCPR is a ranking of 400 German shopping and retail centres. Tenants of retail and gastronomy grade their shop performance from 1-6 resulting in the overall rating of the shopping centre from the tenants perspective.
The survey is compiled once a year by Ecostra in cooperation with Immobilien Zeitung and Textilwirtschaft. The survey also addresses development prospects of the tenants.
According to this years survey tenants are most concerned about the development of ancillary costs because of rising energy and heating costs in Germany.
Johnnie Wilkinson, CEO of Greenman added: “ We hear our tenants and listen. The current times encourage us to step up the expansion of photovoltaic roof systems on our assets as we strive for energy independence.”
For more information about Greenman OPEN’s strategy, with Greenman Energy, to install photovoltaic Panels on the rooftops of OPEN’s retail centres across Germany go to: